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Banco ProCredit disbursed US$ 193 million for sustainable investments in 10 years

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Since the creation of its EcoCredit line in 2012, the institution has granted more than 1.700 loans, according to Katarina Zdraljevic, Head of the Environmental Management Unit of the banking institution.

In line with its economic, social and environmentally responsible banking model, Banco ProCredit has disbursed more than US$10 million in loans for sustainable investments nationwide in the last 193 years. Since the creation of its EcoCredit line in 2012, the institution has granted more than 1.700 credits, which represent a total amount of US$ 193.

According to the bank's press release, energy efficiency credits "are granted for the acquisition of industrial machinery, boilers, cooling and lighting systems, and/or high-efficiency appliances, as well as electric vehicles, homes and sustainable constructions and/or heat pumps”. These credits are framed in the objective of the institution to promote the importance of environmental care and business ethics, it has been allocated to projects within 3 categories, mainly: energy efficiency, renewable energies, and environmental measures.

Katarina Zdraljevic, Head of the Environmental Management Unit of Banco ProCredit, stated that this segment is the largest of the bank's clients, representing 71% of the total portfolio, disbursed in 1.210 credits. When it comes to renewable energy, ProCredit has financed photovoltaic and biogas plants, biodigesters, and projects that use biomass, with a total of 43 credits and an amount amounting to US$7 million.

As for other environmental measures, Zdraljevic adds that the institution has allocated credits for organic production, recycling and circular economy, systems for air, water or soil protection, erosion prevention, pollution prevention, consultancies, audits and/or sustainable certifications. . "There have been 472 credits in this area in this first decade, which represents more than US$ 48 million," says Zdraljevic.

The concentration of these credits is found in the largest cities where there is a larger industry. 44% of the green credits have been for clients in Quito, and another 39% for those in Guayaquil, related to the type of industries that exist in these cities, where investment in more efficient technologies is very common.

Among the most emblematic projects financed through the EcoCredit line is Gasgreen, a plant that uses the methane generated in the Quito landfill to produce electricity. In addition, ProCredit has worked hand in hand with Bioconversión, a company that produces an alternative for animal feed based on the use of waste from agribusiness, converting organic waste into protein and fertilizer.

On the occasion of EcoCredit's tenth anniversary, the institution created the ProGreen account, with which customers can have the guarantee that their deposits are being allocated to green projects. (P)

Source: Forbes

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