
Environmental management

Our focus on sustainability


Banco ProCredit maintains a high level of awareness regarding the impact of its operations on the environment and society.

In addition to doing it at home, our focus is on being a partner of companies that are committed to sustainability, always taking into account ecological, social and economic aspects, integrating a high purpose in their operations.

ProCredit Group Impact Report
Sustainability Report 2022

Our focus on sustainability

Banco ProCredit maintains a high level of awareness regarding the impact of its operations on the environment and society.

In addition to making it home inside, our focus is on being a partner of companies that are committed to sustainability, always taking into account ecological, social and economic aspects and integrating a purpose into their operations.

ProCredit Group Impact Report

Banco ProCredit Sustainability Report 2022


Why sustainability?

We are part of Global Compact

We are committed to 8 Sustainable Development Goals

Our Environmental
Management System

1. Internal Management
2. Management of Environmental and Social Risks
3. Green Finance

Our sustainability intern

Apart from promoting sustainability with customers, we demand it of ourselves.

The bank's offices have high energy efficiency standards, our fleet of vehicles is 100% electric, we have vertical gardens and solar panels on the terrace of our headquarters building, among others.

Sustainable vehicle fleet

Energy comes from renewable sources *

LED Lighting

Recycled Paper or from sustainable sources

* Counting on the energy of the hydroelectric plants of the public system of Ecuador

We have a certified environmental management system


Additionally, apart from being committed to the SDGs, at the ProCredit group level we have several certificates for our environmental management system:

We commit ourselves not to finance oil extraction, illegal mining, activities that use child labor, human trafficking or arms trafficking.
Depositors can be sure that their money invested in our bank does not support activities that are harmful to the environment and society.

Procredit group exclusion list

Financing Green

EcoCredit is a financing line destined to finance improvements in energy efficiency, installation of renewable energies and other environmentally friendly measures. We offer to our guests:

Longer terms.
Competitive interest rates

Renewable Energy

Financing of
self-consumption or energy saving projects


Financing of all
types of recycling or waste
management and reuse
of resources.

Sustainable vehicles

Financing of plug-in
electric and hybrid vehicles.

Energy efficiency

Financing of equipment
and machinery with 20%
or more efficiency

Sustainable agriculture

Financing of organic
production or production
with sustainable

Green housing

Financing of housing
with EDGE certifications,
LEED, BREAM or with high
energy efficiency.

With EcoCredit I have improved the efficiency of my company, which allows me not only to improve my flow, but also to better position myself in the market. - XXXXX, ProCredit Client
0 +
Projects financed with EcoCredit
0 %
Total portfolio is GREEN

Our green bond

Swimming suite 0
Issuance date
Clients benefited

ProCredit Green bond report

*Approximate information as of the end of December 2020.

Our Team


Katarina Zdraljević

Team Leader

Karen angle

Energy Specialist


Bruno quichimbo

Energy Specialist



Environmental Specialist

E-mail us:
ECU.Environmental Management

Contact with us

If you are interested in sustainability issues, write to us.

Documents documents to download

Exclusion list
Environmental politics
EDGE buildings
Exclusion list
Environmental politics
Plastics Strategy
Greening the PCB premises
Our green buildings
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