Personal banking: 1800 100 400


Terms and Conditions

Privacy Policy and Conditions of App Service

The following Terms and Conditions govern the use of the Banco ProCredit SA application (hereinafter the “Bank”), smartphones and tablets, and any of the content available through it, including any content derived from it. Banco ProCredit SA may modify the Terms and Conditions at any time only by publishing the changes in this application. BY USING THIS APP, YOU ACCEPT AND AGREE TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS. If you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions, you will not have access to this application or the services that Banco ProCredit SA makes available to you through it.


This Privacy Policy establishes the terms of use and protection of the information that is provided by the Client, in an inserted way and/or through video calls, when using the application. In addition, it contemplates the possibility, duly authorized by the Client through the acceptance of these Terms and Conditions, that Banco ProCredit SA, obtain and corroborate personal data thereof by accessing information from the Civil Registry and other public data records. Banco ProCredit SA is committed to the security of its Clients’ data and declares that these will only be used in accordance with the terms of this document.
User information
This application will collect and store the Client’s personal information, which will be provided by the owner or third parties, or will be obtained through access to public data records and punctually through the Agreement for the Provision of Service of Digital Certificate of Identity Data, entered into between Banco ProCredit SA and the General Directorate of Civil Registry, Identification and Certification. By accepting these terms and conditions, the Bank is duly authorized, through its suppliers, to access this information necessary to complete the application process for financial products and services offered by Banco ProCredit SA This information will be stored and governed by the Privacy Policy.
Use of User Information
This application uses the information to provide the best possible service to its Clients. Banco ProCredit SA is committed to keeping your information safe. We use the most advanced systems and constantly update them to ensure that there is no unauthorized access or improper use of User Information. To access the services that Banco ProCredit SA makes available to you through this application, you will enter your personal data. Additionally to those you will be asked additional information during the video call by one of our advisors and the information you provided will be verified..
Links to Third Parties.
This application may eventually contain links to other sites related to the account opening process, or access to publications, information or advertising publication for non-financial services, which are not offered by Banco ProCredit SA. Once you enter these links and leave the application, we have no control over the site to which you are redirected and therefore we are not responsible for the terms and conditions of privacy or the protection of your data on those other third-party sites. These sites are subject to their own privacy policies, so it is recommended that you consult them to confirm that you agree with them.
Control of User Information and Declaration of Truthfulness
You declare that the data you enter in this application, for the activation of the financial services and products offered by Banco ProCredit SA, are true and verifiable, so you have not omitted or provided false information for the purposes of accessing and using this app. Banco ProCredit SA will not sell, assign or distribute the personal information that is collected without your consent; However, it may deliver the information to competent authorities, based on the provisions of current legislation.
Banco ProCredit SA reserves the right to change the terms of this Privacy Policy at any time.
At any time, the Client can restrict the collection or use of the personal information that is provided to this application, in an inserted way and / or through video calls. This restriction may imply the impossibility of using the application.
Declaration of Origin of Funds and Authorizations
The Client declares that the origin of the funds to be deposited or transferred to their accounts at Banco ProCredit SA is lawful and comes from activities permitted by the laws of Ecuador. Banco ProCredit SA is expressly and irrevocably authorized to verify the statement of the preceding paragraph, making any inquiry that it deems pertinent through the sources that it sees fit for verification purposes. The Client declares that he/she knows and is well informed that the data he/she provides in an inserted form and through video calls will be temporarily hosted on the servers of a third service provider company of Banco ProCredit SA, domiciled in Germany. This company is supervised and controlled by the German Federal Financial Supervision Authority and the hosting of the information is subject to the data protection standards determined by the European Union. In the same sense, the Client expressly authorizes Banco ProCredit SA to capture, process, transmit and archive the information consigned through the application. Specifically, the Client authorizes Banco ProCredit SA to temporarily archive his/her personal information, in cases where the linking process has not been completed, through this application, in order to monitor and offer products and services, which for this medium makes the Bank available to you. The Client empowers Banco ProCredit SA to request additional information based on the Know Your Client Policy, current legal regulations on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Crimes
Limitation of Liability
The Client declares to know that Banco ProCredit SA depends on the data provided by the means described in this document for the correct operation of this application and for access to the financial services that the Bank makes available through it. These services are activated with the information provided by the Client, for which Banco ProCredit SA is not obliged to carry out subsequent confirmations or authentications of the instructions that the Client has not entered accurately or by mistake. For the process of linking or accessing services through this application, the security measures of Banco ProCredit SA require that the Client create a user and assign a password. The username and password are for personal use; The Client must refrain from exposing or sharing this information. The Client exempts Banco ProCredit SA from liability, regarding the misuse of username and password and regarding the security of accessing their smartphone or tablet. Banco ProCredit has no obligation to investigate the proper use of your access information for this application and the transactions generated through it.
Intellectual Property
Banco ProCredit SA, or its contractors, are the owners of all the rights, title and interests of this application or its components, of all the content, codes, data and materials of the same, the appearance and the environment, the design and the organization of the application and the compilation of the contents, codes, data and materials in it, including but not limited to, any copyright, trademark rights, patent rights, database rights, moral rights, sui rights generis and other intellectual properties and economic rights thereof. The use of the application does not grant the Client ownership of any of the content, codes, data or materials that can be accessed in or through it. The Client will be able to access the content of the application from their mobile device or Tablet and, unless otherwise indicated in these Terms and Conditions, they will be able to take screenshots of images of the application for exclusively personal use and for relationship purposes. to financial service. The use of the application and the services offered in or through it are only for your personal, non-commercial use. Any distribution, publication or commercial or promotional exploitation of this application, or of any of the contents, codes, data or materials in it, is strictly prohibited. Unless it is expressly permitted in this document, the Client may not download, inform, expose, publish, copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, modify, execute, disseminate, transfer, create derivative works of, sell or of any other exploit any of the content, codes, data or materials in or available through this application. The Client further agrees not to alter, edit, delete, remove, or otherwise change the meaning or appearance of, or change the purpose of, any of the content, codes, data or materials in or available through this application, including, without limitation, the alteration or removal of any trademark, registered trademark, logo, service mark or any other proprietary content or proprietary rights notice. The Client acknowledges that they do not acquire any property rights by downloading the application or any copyrighted material through it. If the Client makes another use of the application, or of the contents, codes, data or materials that are there or that are available through it, it could violate the copyright laws and other laws of Ecuador and others. countries and will be subject to legal liability for such unauthorized use. The trademarks, logos, service marks, registered trademarks (together the "Trademarks") displayed in this application or in the content available through it are Trademarks of Banco ProCredit SA
Banco ProCredit SA may terminate, change, suspend or discontinue any aspect of the application or its services at any time, either in case of non-compliance by the Client of the obligations and commitments established in this document, for reasons of force majeure or fortuitous event, for technical reasons or other duly justified reasons. The termination, change, suspension or discontinuation of the application or its services will be previously notified, if possible, to the Client. By entering the option to accept at the bottom, you, as a Client of Banco ProCredit SA, declare that you understand the Terms and Conditions and accept them entirely.


Web Privacy Policies

Terms of Use


The page is a service established by Banco ProCredit Ecuador SA to facilitate its customers and visitors the access to its products and services. By using this service you are accepting the following terms and conditions that you can read carefully:


Regarding the informative content, we declare that the data and information contained therein should not be construed as an advice, recommendation or suggestion by Banco ProCredit for making investment decisions or carrying out any type of transaction or business. The values, interest rates and other data found there are purely informative and do not constitute an offer, nor a firm demand, to carry out transactions.

Banco ProCredit Ecuador SA, in no case will be responsible for the damages or consequences - direct or indirect - derived from the interpretation or misuse of the information contained in this page, which is why the use of the information provided is the exclusive responsibility of the user. Likewise, Banco ProCredit Ecuador SA will not be liable for the accuracy, veracity, timeliness and integrity of the information contained in the page, nor for the information contained in the documents that establish links to this publication, nor for possible technical problems, inaccuracies, omissions or transcription errors that could affect the content of the page or the links contained therein. Taking into account the above, the user is warned about the need to validate the information before making use of it.

Banco ProCredit Ecuador SA is not responsible for the decisions made based on the information and materials presented on this site.

Banco ProCredit Ecuador SA reserves the right to modify, alter or delete the contents of the page without the need for prior notice. The informative content of this page is developed by Banco ProCredit Ecuador SA, or an authorized third party, without compromising the thinking or opinion of its advertisers or linked sites.


Banco ProCredit Ecuador SA does not guarantee permanent and uninterrupted access to the site that this access is error-free or that the available service or server is free of viruses or other harmful agents. When the user accesses the site, it will be their responsibility to take the appropriate measures to avoid and/or correct the unwanted effects of those agents.

Links to other web sites

Banco ProCredit Ecuador SA provides its users access to other Internet sites through "links", as a value-added service. The inclusion of these on the site, does not imply any relationship other than the "link" itself, between Banco ProCredit Ecuador and the operator of the linked site. The "link" does not mean the approval of the linked site by Banco ProCredit Ecuador or the guarantee by Banco ProCredit Ecuador of the products, services and information offered by the linked site.

Therefore, any transaction that the user carries out with the advertisers of carried out solely and exclusively between the user and the advertiser or linked site, under their own responsibility. The sites linked to not controlled by Banco ProCredit Ecuador SA, which is why Banco ProCredit Ecuador SA is not responsible for the content of any of these sites, nor is it responsible for any type of transmission received from any linked site.

Proprietary Rights

The user acknowledges that the content of this page, located either in the advertisers’ advertising, or in the information presented by Banco ProCredit Ecuador SA itself or by an authorized third party, is protected by copyright, trademarks, patents, or different forms of property rights. Said content includes, among others, texts, software, music, sound, photographs, videos, graphics, among others.

Therefore, the user of this page must refrain, without the prior written authorization of Banco ProCredit Ecuador SA, from publishing, retransmitting or commercializing in any capacity or by any means, totally or partially, both the information contained in the page, as well as in its links, under penalty of incurring responsibilities for violation of copyright, in accordance with current regulations.

The user may make a copy of its content, exclusively for personal, non-commercial use, as long as all copyright notices are kept intact and the source is cited.