In line with its corporate culture that prioritizes human dignity regardless of gender, 57% of the payroll ProCredit Bank Agreement , the German bank in Ecuador, it is occupied by women. The institutional framework of the entity, in which there is no discrimination of any kind, is based on the permanent reinforcement of its principles of inclusion and equity, through discussions, presentations, training and communications. This, added to the exhaustive selection processes that they implement to identify if the people who enter the institution share their values, has allowed women to occupy 56% of management positions, 50% of middle managers, 52% of administrative positions, and 65% of back office positions.
Women in key positions: leadership and diversity at Banco ProCredit
Carolina Landázuri, Human Resources Manager of Banco ProCredit, states that for the institution the value of a person does not depend on their gender, skin color, religion or nationality. "We value diversity, because we are convinced that this makes us a more creative, open and efficient bank (...) We recognize the different beliefs, training, customs and ways of life of our employees and clients, promoting respect for the opinions and thoughts of each individual, as well as their freedom of expression.” She adds that the predominant presence of women in strategic areas such as care and counseling for individual and business clients has been key to achieving an empathic and highly efficient contact, which is recognized by users as a strength of their service.
Promoting equity and inclusion in the workplace
It is important to point out that Banco ProCredit's principle of equity is fully incorporated, not only in its internal policies, but also in the remuneration, training, promotion and career development of its collaborators. Additionally, the alliances of the entity with Impaqto and GIZ, allowed the development of the program "Sustainable businesses and prevention of violence against women", in which 60 micro-entrepreneurs have participated so far, and whose objective is to provide them with digital, financial tools , and business administration, complementing it with awareness of gender violence, and the drive to develop their businesses in a sustainable and autonomous way.
Promoting sustainable businesses and prevention of gender violence
Banco ProCredit reinforces its commitment to sustainability and social equity by implementing various actions that contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). In particular, this bank focuses on two key goals: SDG 5, which advocates for gender equality, and SDG 8, which promotes decent work and sustainable and inclusive economic growth.
By adopting innovative and effective strategies, Banco ProCredit seeks to break with traditional paradigms and build a more just and equitable society for all. Through programs for the empowerment of women, equal pay and equal employment opportunities, the financial entity strives to ensure that both men and women have access to the same opportunities in the labor and economic fields.
In addition, the bank works closely with local businesses and communities to promote quality job creation and encourage sustainable economic growth. By driving investment in key sectors and promoting responsible business practices, Banco ProCredit positions itself as a leader in promoting sustainable development and social justice in the financial industry.
About ProCredit Bank
Banco ProCredit is a member bank of the German Financial Group ProCredit, which has been operating in Ecuador since 2001, aimed at contributing to the development of the country through the financial system. The Bank, which has an AAA- risk rating from BankWatch Ratings and PCR, offers a specialized service for companies, as well as a direct banking model that encourages savings for private clients. The institution governs its operations by essential principles such as transparency and simplicity in its services, the advisory approach to its clients and the sustainability of its commercial activities.